

If you would like to make a donation... thank you!!! Your donation helps support the productions of the Canandaigua Academy Players.

We can receive donations with these methods:

  • Venmo - please send donation to @CPP-Payments

  • Check - please mail check (made out to "Canandaigua Players Productions") to:

    Canandaigua Players Productions
    P.O. Box 25025
    Farmington, NY 14425

    If you make your donation prior to one of our major shows (October or February), we will list your donation in our printed programs. Please let us know how you wish your names to appear in the program. If you prefer your donation be anonymous, please let us know.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at and provide your name and address.

Donations levels:
Executive Producer $500+
Producer $250+
Director $100+
Lead Role $50+
Supporting Role $25+
Friends of the Academy Players $10+